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Extended Response Patterns

The second argument of any route method in method in a MockServer instance is the response pattern. This pattern can be a number (the HTTP status to return) or an object specifying additional data to return with the response. This is helpful when you’re making requests that expect a specific response format.

Extended response pattern keys

The following keys can be used in the response pattern object:

  • status (required) - the HTTP status code to return.
  • headers - HTTP headers to return with the response.
  • body - the body of the response to return. This can be a string, an object (which is treated as JSON), or an ArrayBuffer.
  • delay - the number of milliseconds to wait before returning the response.

The response pattern keys are used to create a new Response object that is returned when the associated request pattern matches the request.

Responding with a specific status code

If you’d like to respond to a request with a specific status code, you can use the status key in the response pattern object. Here’s an example:

import { MockServer } from "mentoss";
const server = new MockServer("");
server.get("/users", {
status: 200,

This route will respond to any GET request to /users with a status code of 200. Of course, if you are only returning a status code, you can pass the status code as the second argument to the route method:

server.get("/users", 200);

Responding with specific headers

If you’d like to respond to a request with specific headers, you can use the headers key in the response pattern object. Here’s an example that simulates a redirect:

import { MockServer } from "mentoss";
const server = new MockServer("");
server.get("/redirect", {
status: 301,
headers: {
Location: "",

This route will respond to any GET request to /redirect with a status code of 301 and a Location header that redirects the client to

Responding with a specific body

If you’d like to respond to a request with a specific body, you can use the body key in the response pattern object. Here’s an example:

import { MockServer } from "mentoss";
const server = new MockServer("");
server.get("/users", {
status: 200,
body: {
id: 123,
name: "Alice",

This route will respond to any GET request to /users with a status code of 200 and a JSON response body containing an id and name property. There’s no need to call JSON.stringify on the object; Mentoss will handle that for you.

Responding with a specific body and headers

You can combine the headers and body keys in the response pattern object to respond to a request with specific headers and a specific body. Here’s an example:

import { MockServer } from "mentoss";
const server = new MockServer("");
server.get("/users", {
status: 200,
headers: {
"Content-Type": "application/json",
body: {
id: 123,
name: "Alice",

This route will respond to any GET request to /users with a status code of 200, a Content-Type header of application/json, and a JSON response body containing an id and name property.

Delaying the response

If you’d like to delay the response to a request, you can use the delay key in the response pattern object. The delay property is the number of milliseconds to wait before returning the response. Here’s an example:

import { MockServer } from "mentoss";
const server = new MockServer("");
server.get("/users", {
status: 200,
delay: 1000, // delay the response by 1 second

This route will respond to any GET request to /users with a status code of 200, but it will wait for 1 second before returning the response.